" For with thee is the fountain of life: in thy light shall we see light. Psalm 36:9

Suomen Rauhanyhdistysten Keskusyhdistys ry (SRK)

Mission work

The purpose of SRK’s mission work is to promote locally organizedevents by scheduling services for areas without such events. Devotional events and Sunday services are also arranged in prisons and other penal institutions. 

Summer Services—suviseurat—are the biggest annual event organized by SRK. These services are arranged in three regions of Finland by turns and in different localities within each region. The Summer Services are broadcast on Summer Service Radio and online.

SRK sends speakers to services in several countries in Europe, Africa and North and South Americain cooperation with its sister organizations, LLC (Laestadian Lutheran Church) in North American and SFC (Sveriges Fridsföreningars Centralorganisation) in Sweden.

Audio recordings of local services, regional services and the Summer Services are available online. Sermons from the Summer Services and local services translated into several languages are also published online. Services are further available on some commercial radio channels. 

SRK develops data systems for their own use, for the Summer Services and to support the work of local rauhanyhdistys organizations. SRK maintains archives of its publications and other material related to SRK activity. 

Kotimaan lähetystyö

Lähetysseuroja järjestetään pääasiassa paikkakunnilla, joissa ei ole rauhanyhdistysten järjestämiä seuroja tai joissa ei ole rauhanyhdistysten omia puhujia. Read more…


SRK järjestää maamme rajojen ulkopuolella säännöllisesti seuroja useassa eri maassa. Read more…