" For with thee is the fountain of life: in thy light shall we see light. Psalm 36:9

Suomen Rauhanyhdistysten Keskusyhdistys ry (SRK)


Services are the most important activity of SRK and the local rauhanyhdistys organizations. People of all ages gather at services to listen to God’s word, which is freely available for all people to believe. The services consist of hymns, songs of Zion, prayers and sermons. The speaker begins his sermon by reading a text from the Bible and then goes on to explain it. 

Local service schedules are published in Päivämies and various local, provincial and congregational papers. Places and dates of services are also available on the SRK and local rauhanyhdistys websites.

Services are open events, and all people are welcome to attend. 


Local rauhanyhdistys organizations arrange services in their own premises, homes, churches, parish halls and residential institutions in all parts of Finland. More information about these services is available in Päivämies and on local organizations’ websites. 

Some rauhanyhdistys organizations provide English translation of the sermons.

SRK further arranges services in areas with no locally organized services. There are also services in prisons and other penal institutions. 


SRK and its sister organizations arrange and sponsor services in several countries by sending speakers in response to invitation by local people.