" For with thee is the fountain of life: in thy light shall we see light. Psalm 36:9

Suomen Rauhanyhdistysten Keskusyhdistys ry (SRK)


Päivämies comes out weekly with news of the Conservative Laestadian community and their activity as well as articles on major societal and ecclesiastical issues. Subscriptions are available for both print and digital options. Subscriptions can be registered at SRK’s online store and by using the Päivämies app. 

In addition to news, Päivämies contains devotional articles, interviews, reportage and columns. Kapsäkki, the supplement for young people, is published monthly. Online Päivämiesfeatures topical articles and blogs, some of which are also available in other languages. 

Siionin Lähetyslehti is published monthly as a supplement to Päivämies. It contains doctrinal articles and reports of mission trips. This paper was first published in 1911. It has been a supplement to Päivämiessince 2011. 

Päivämies has been published since 1954, and it currently has a circulation of about 22,000 copies.